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  • Writer's pictureYuke Wu

3/01 Digital Landscape

I was inspired by the latest news:A famous Chinese actress called Fan Bingbing was arrested for tax evasion, which the amount of tax evasion reached to 100 million. It related to the dirty deal of sex and power.

The main theme of 21th century of China is: money, power and sex. Not only do men want to have material comforts, but they also want power and misappropriation of others' assets. The next generation witness and effected by the impetuous social ethos of money worship. Because celebrities make more money than scientific researchers, children dream of being celebrities. This social ethos is a vicious circle.

Digital drawing has a lot of potentials, it is easy to manipulate and execute. It gives many possibilities that traditional technology can not achieve, especially photoshop. It is efficient and convenient.

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